Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Maker Faire Showcase Concept

My design for our showcase at Maker Faire includes two laptops with the objective/rules of the game next to the laptops, and a trifold poster behind the laptops. On the table, there will be things we did in this class, so we actually showcase our class as a whole, not just the game. If needed, we can use speakers (that I'm willing to provide) for one of the computers to play the sounds out loud. Austyn told me that he might bring a TV, and I think it would fit perfectly in the back.

My role on this team was to sort of over-watch and keep an eye on everyone's work. I do my best to help whatever team that needs help, but most importantly, I over-watched the progress of the game. My contributions include: helping the audio team with the music, CAD'ing the dock, help figure out the problem with water, and many more. Ultimately, I provided my personal opinions for whatever we were working on. From the beginning to end, I feel as if my job stayed as constant overviewing of the project, and helping out others, although many times I did get carried off doing things I shouldn't be doing during our valuable class time.

Nonetheless, our team pulled off the game, which is pretty much done now, with just some aesthetics changes and debugging. Our team did a great job on giving each other feedback on any ideas brought up. Some of our jobs may have not been what we have originally intended, but we still pulled off this amazing game in about 2 months.

The only wish I have that would have made our process much faster was if we were able to work on multiple computers for a single file, like a Google Doc, but for Unity. Because we could only work on this on one computer per level, the entire level is pretty much limited to two people, slowing down our design process.

To be honest, I am not sure of my greatest achievement, but the first thing to come out my mind is creating the Facebook group for our entire class to share ideas and comment. I think this really helped with our communication outside of school, so we knew what to do before we get to class. It has only been a month and a half since the group was set up and we have been filling the group with updates on our progress.

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