Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Maker Faire Reflection Post

Maker Faire of last weekend was definitely unforgettable. Not only were there tons of creations showcased there, we were part of the many people who showed off what they can make. I think our showcase design was especially good, because we had three running computers which had the game. Even then, there were still people lining up to play Adrastus. I think the idea of the projector was great, because we could show the crowd what's going on. However, I think that we should've had shift patterns for the people who were there at Maker Faire, because I was working really hard on Saturday, and by Sunday I had already been tired out and didn't do much that day. Also, I think that we should get more help from the school rather than depend on the student's equipment to run the game. Not all students have projectors, tv screens, or laptops, and we were blessed to have all these equipment. The other booths at Maker Faire are very inspirational, and I think we can improve ourselves on it next year. We could have robots that could grab other people's attention. From the survey, I see that many people would not play the game again, but its nice to know that people are pretty amazed at what we accomplished in two month's time. Next year, I would like to see better graphics, an earlier start on the project, and more teamwork. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures or document while at Maker Faire. At our showcase, many people asked questions about the program and how we built the game. They were especially amazed at how fast we put together the game, and the fact that we are high schoolers. It is amazing to see the number of people who do not know the WASD controls, which is pretty much the basics of gaming.

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