Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Self As a Designer

I was inspired by one of my friend's view of one of my teacher's classroom to be a classroom full of marshmallow students. I recreated this classroom using only legos, paper, and, most importantly, marshmallows. I used no filters or photoshop to create this photo, only my iPod's camera. 

Goals I Have For Myself in this Class:
  • I plan on learning how to use digital designing or computer assisted designing (CAD)
  • I want to be able to take inspiration from things I look at from nature or man made and integrate them into designs that i make 
  • Most importantly, I plan on mastering on how to work as a team, whether as partners or groups


  1. This looks really cool and really express a great story. You seem like a very animated man.

  2. Nice! Have you ever tried stop motion animation? It'd be fun to see those marshmallows move around.


      This was the edit without the voice for my group project with my friends last year for Geography.
