Monday, September 22, 2014

Product Improvement: The Communist iCup

The Communist iCup comes with an apple symbol with a hammer and sickle going through it.
The cup without any upgrades will cost $100.
Everyone will be able to share drinks and not be jealous because one person has your favorite drink in hands and you don't. Both of you will get the same amount.
The side of the cup comes with an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) which has capabilities of bending. You can turn it into a flashlight at will or connect it to your iPhone by Bluetooth and do what you want. The OLED is 4.7 inches or 5.5 and is touchscreen.
The body of the cup has a carbon fiber interior and aluminum body frame.
The battery is at the bottom of the cup and should have capabilities of lasting 24 hours. It charges wirelessly.
There are speakers on the cup for the convenience of our customers.
Waterproof option for $25 because Apple

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