Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Self As a Designer

I was inspired by one of my friend's view of one of my teacher's classroom to be a classroom full of marshmallow students. I recreated this classroom using only legos, paper, and, most importantly, marshmallows. I used no filters or photoshop to create this photo, only my iPod's camera. 

Goals I Have For Myself in this Class:
  • I plan on learning how to use digital designing or computer assisted designing (CAD)
  • I want to be able to take inspiration from things I look at from nature or man made and integrate them into designs that i make 
  • Most importantly, I plan on mastering on how to work as a team, whether as partners or groups

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Building a Bridge With Constraints

Using only clay and and 2 pieces of paper, we built a bridge about 42 inches long. It was based on a V-shape form and the bridge held up itself pretty well. The clay on top of the bridge were the people it was supporting.

I think brainstorming as a team is very helpful when it comes to solving a problem, because having everyone’s brains work together helps solve problems that maybe one of us can’t solve.

We didn’t exactly test any ideas, because we thought of a basic idea that we were going to and improved it as we built the bridge.

Some important characteristics of a successful team is teamwork, creativity, and getting things done on time.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Product Improvement: The Communist iCup

The Communist iCup comes with an apple symbol with a hammer and sickle going through it.
The cup without any upgrades will cost $100.
Everyone will be able to share drinks and not be jealous because one person has your favorite drink in hands and you don't. Both of you will get the same amount.
The side of the cup comes with an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) which has capabilities of bending. You can turn it into a flashlight at will or connect it to your iPhone by Bluetooth and do what you want. The OLED is 4.7 inches or 5.5 and is touchscreen.
The body of the cup has a carbon fiber interior and aluminum body frame.
The battery is at the bottom of the cup and should have capabilities of lasting 24 hours. It charges wirelessly.
There are speakers on the cup for the convenience of our customers.
Waterproof option for $25 because Apple