Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fling Machine Reflection

Data Recorded: 15', 18', 20', 20', 22', 16', 18', 19', 21'

It is pretty well distributed with 18, 19, 20 feet in the middle.

Mean: 18.8'
Median: 19'
Range: 7
Sample Standard Deviation: 2.1499

I predict that most of the cotton balls will launch between 18-20 ft based on the data we received from the tests we tried.

It won't be improved with the performance of alternate device comparison because the original data will still be the same.

I actually prefer giving points for distance traveled since we were 2nd farthest, but if I was to recommend, I would recommend finding the average of the test launches for points, and originality.

I would have made our plane more dense and smaller, and made it easier to fly. I thought throwing the entire device all together was bending the rules too much.

We only used aluminum foil and cotton balls, so the only reduction would be in size.

To improve our team, I could try to use some of my partner's idea if they were any good.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Unit Conversions

In this project, we made a presentation about accuracy and precision, US and SI units, Dimensional Analysis, Significant Figures, and Rules of Exponents. The link to the presentation is here. We accidentally skipped the slide which showed accuracy and precision.Lnsfrnu.gif

From this project, all the unit conversions seemed to be a little more exciting, but it is still going to be boring as ever, because it is long and no fun.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Color Theory

A color scheme is an arrangement or combination of colors, especially as used in interior decoration. The different kinds of color schemes are monochromatic colors which creates a soothing effect which makes an overall mood, analogous colors which uses a color as a dominant color and adjacent colors to surround it, complementary colors which have opposite colors on the color wheel put next to each other, and split complementary is a variation of complementary colors two adjacent colors are matched against its opposite color. A color triad is any combination of three colors on the color wheel.

The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.
The three secondary colors are violet, orange, and green.
The six tertiary colors are blue green, blue violet, red violet, red orange, yellow orange, and yellow green.
Examples of Color Schemes:

Monochromatic color: 

Analogous color: 
Complementary color: 
Triadic Colors: 
Split complementary color: 

This is Amijot's Kaleidoscope.  

This is my kaleidoscope.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Multi-View Sketching

this was my multi view sketch of one of the objects.
This is Paras intensely studying the cube with multi view sketches on it.
this was all the work inside my notebook.

The purpose of construction lines is to keep the shapes in a 1:1 ratio and help form the different views. 
Hidden lines and center lines shows the parts of the shape that can't be described in the view. 
The first picture seemed more like a front view because it showed most of the lines of the object.
The 6th picture seemed more like a side view because the object's longest side was shown and doesn't have the most lines.
Multi-view drawings are used by professionals because it describes all sides of the object, unlike pictorial drawings which only shows one side. Not to mention, multi-view drawings are all in a 1:1 ratio to eachother. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Design Concept Presentation

This is the omni-wheel I presented in the presentation

This is the model of a shopping cart I built using masking tape and copper wires.

My presentation can be found here.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Interview With a Designer

When we first met Josh, he seems like a pretty relaxed guy. I was rather surprised, because I was kind of expecting him to be more . . . formal, i guess. I was really glad that his old workplace as a designer was a place to mess around and people rolling around on skateboards. When I heard that designers can make $40-80, I was extremely shocked. However, what surprised me the most, was that he didn't actually go to college and still got a really nice job. 15 minutes with him went by rather fast, but we also ran out of questions to ask him. I think a chance with a designer who works with physical objects  or someone who prototypes ideas would further improve our knowledge of designing.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Revised Concept Sketches

The shopping cart will have torsion bar suspensions as a change, along with rounded edges at every corner on the shopping cart. The sides will still be PVC, but it will be a full sheet of PVC. The bars will not be foldable. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Solution to the Shopping Cart

The problem with shopping carts is that it is very bumpy and un-shock absorbent, expensive and stiff frame, easily lost, hard to control, and never the right height. 
To solve these problems, I've decided to add rubber ends on the edges of the cart, suspensions on all wheels, an aluminum frame, PVC webbing around the cart, electromagnetic bottom so carts stick together, omni wheels on the back wheels, and  an adjustable push bar.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Line Work

Lines show emotions because they show the audience the form of the object and what perspective you are looking at. At different angles, an object may look very different and lines show you how to look at it, through shading or gestures.
My partner said that my work was awesome and weird, and he gave me a pretty good score on the line work.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Three Problems in the World We Live In

We live in a world with very high tech things and it seems as if everything is convenient and without problem. But of course, there is probably no such thing in the world without a flaw by the opinion of everyone. I've named off some of the problems in the world that can be fixed.

The Prius
First of all, I start with the Prius because it is probably one of the worst car in terms of performance, excluding the fact that it saves gas. Many people have complained about its terrible acceleration. Even though it its a hybrid, there are much better hybrids in the world currently. The Prius has also been proven that if you try to drive a little bit fast, it manages less mpg than a BMW M3. In addition, the creation of a Prius does a lot of environmental damage.
Shopping Carts
Another problem is the conventional shopping cart. A lot of people have problems steering these, and they easily lose control of these carts with a slight push or out in the streets. Another problem is that these carts absorb no shock at all, so the shock is sent straight to the shopper's merchandise, which can be a nuisance. 

Slippery Stairs
At our school, the stairs that lead to the E-Building are very slippery. Although there has yet to be a problem, it is still a hazard to the student's safety, and need to be fixed. I believe putting grip tape and superhydrophobic coating on the steps will keep the students at Washington High School safe.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Self As a Designer

I was inspired by one of my friend's view of one of my teacher's classroom to be a classroom full of marshmallow students. I recreated this classroom using only legos, paper, and, most importantly, marshmallows. I used no filters or photoshop to create this photo, only my iPod's camera. 

Goals I Have For Myself in this Class:
  • I plan on learning how to use digital designing or computer assisted designing (CAD)
  • I want to be able to take inspiration from things I look at from nature or man made and integrate them into designs that i make 
  • Most importantly, I plan on mastering on how to work as a team, whether as partners or groups

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Building a Bridge With Constraints

Using only clay and and 2 pieces of paper, we built a bridge about 42 inches long. It was based on a V-shape form and the bridge held up itself pretty well. The clay on top of the bridge were the people it was supporting.

I think brainstorming as a team is very helpful when it comes to solving a problem, because having everyone’s brains work together helps solve problems that maybe one of us can’t solve.

We didn’t exactly test any ideas, because we thought of a basic idea that we were going to and improved it as we built the bridge.

Some important characteristics of a successful team is teamwork, creativity, and getting things done on time.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Product Improvement: The Communist iCup

The Communist iCup comes with an apple symbol with a hammer and sickle going through it.
The cup without any upgrades will cost $100.
Everyone will be able to share drinks and not be jealous because one person has your favorite drink in hands and you don't. Both of you will get the same amount.
The side of the cup comes with an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) which has capabilities of bending. You can turn it into a flashlight at will or connect it to your iPhone by Bluetooth and do what you want. The OLED is 4.7 inches or 5.5 and is touchscreen.
The body of the cup has a carbon fiber interior and aluminum body frame.
The battery is at the bottom of the cup and should have capabilities of lasting 24 hours. It charges wirelessly.
There are speakers on the cup for the convenience of our customers.
Waterproof option for $25 because Apple