Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dimensioning Standards Reflection Post

note* the measurements are in inches, but was designed in cm

Size dimensions show the width, length, and depth of an object, while location dimensions depicts where edges appear on an object.
Chain dimensioning is where the length of one side is determined from one point connected to another, then the other point connecting to a different one, and so on. Datum dimensioning is where all measures are determined from one point on the object. Datum dimensioning is probably the more common practice of dimensioning since there is only one point to base the data off of, so it will be more accurate.
A dimensioned drawing gives a kind of a physical representation of the object desired, while a written description may give exact details of lengths of parts or shapes on all sides of the item, but it is only an idea. They are similar since they describe the same object, and both explains it with detail regarding the object desired. Both communicate the shapes and design wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Very good and accurate. Very precise good job. Make sure to change to metric next time otherwise very good A+ (98%).
