Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Intro To Design Final Portfolio


While brainstorming, we thought of all the pieces possible for fitting in a 3x3 cube. This helped us think about what pieces to use and what pieces we could possibly use. We made these combinations with 3 cubes, 4 cubes, 5 cubes, and 6 cubes. There should be more combinations but we decided to move onto the next stage of the design process. Each of the cubes are 3/4 inch, and there are a total of 27 cubes. There is a limit of 5 pieces in the cube. 

Cake Layers

These are cake layers. They show the cubes from each layer, to give us a better view of the puzzle.

I chose this design because it had more interlocking pieces and it met all the constraints for making the cube. In addition, this cube is much harder to solve in my opinion, giving my classmates a challenge.

Multi-view Sketches of Parts

I had four people from other classes attempt to solve the puzzle, and they spent an entire lunch period trying to solve it, but they didn't solve it until after I showed them. 

Multi-view of Cube


The files for the inventor pieces and assembly is here

In this design process, the only thing I have not done is the drawings on Inventor. I feel like this design process was very thorough and detailed, and it really helped me design my cube overall. I think the cube is rather well done because so far, only one person other than me has managed to put the cube together, and it was with a little bit help. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cube Quality Control

We were given 27 3/4 inch cubes, and we used a dial caliper to measure one side of every cube. We recorded the data to the nearest 0.001 of an inch. The data is pretty well distributed except for a few. 

Standard Deviation:0.003837934